Yellow Flower

'Y' is for Yellow! ;-)

Eisch, the very only little yellow flower in our whole garden! Can you believe that!? Hehehe!!

I am not doing tooo good the past 3 days, really tired and the burning hands and feet are getting to me now, it hurts so, I battle to sleep! I am spiritually somewhat exhausted! Sorry for being a sissy, but I actually expected to start feeling up by now, I luvvvv'd the 3 GOOD days I had since last Friday, and expected it to last! Truly hope to be feeling better tomorrow, I so much want a few good days before I start the ghastly 5 year treatment on Tamoxifen with all it's side effects! Argh, do I sound like a whining old bag tonight!? Sorry, suppose I am a bit down!! ;-)

Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bit! ;-)

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