Curiouser & curiouser...

By turningbull

The Big Day

It's here! Christmas is here! Finally!

Chocolate coins and Bucks Fizz for breakfast, accompanied by lots of presents. Then a light lunch to stretch our stomachs for what was to come. Father, big brother and I took a pleasant walk over to the beautiful boyfriend's lovely mother's for an more presents and some beer. Vast volumes of food followed, with some more beer and wine. Then a quiz, courtesy of father, and some dessert and dessert wine.

I know everyone goes on about the commercialisation of Christmas, and that it's not about religion any more, and it does bother me that everything is over-packaged to poorly degradable excess. However I maintain that something that brings families together, often from being many miles apart, and allows them to indulge themselves and each other with spoils and merriment cannot be a bad thing. Whatever the original occasion was.

It is just one day of the year after all.

This year I have come away completely spoiled with new toys and several kilos more body weight, and I have thoroughly enjoyed myself. Many thanks to all my family and friends for their spectacular efforts.

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