
By LifeinAlohaland


The plastic trash that washes up on the shores of Alohaland breaks my heart. These are the small bits. Today after a windy night there were also huge plastic crates, and large bits and pieces of God knows what. I read in the Guardian today: "The average person eats at least 50,000 particles of microplastic a year and breathes in a similar quantity, according to the first study to estimate human ingestion of plastic pollution." And I believe it! And it's so hard to avoid. Even though we are certainly conscious of the need to minimize/avoid our use of plastic, we still throw away a large bag of plastic once a week. So many things are pointlessly packaged in plastic. Grrrrrr!!

Work and reading on the beach, followed by my yoga class. What a wonderful group! Really lovely people, so friendly and fun. And Laurie is a dream teacher. She makes us work!!

Flavia, our Italian friend here, came for dinner after the lesson. Tiziano had prepared a yummy pasta dish and we chatted until way past our bedtime. Flavia clearly enjoys being able to talk in Italian!

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