Lyta and other stories

By CakeMartyr

End of an era (again)

A dear friend and neighbour died a few days ago.

I have lived opposite Bruce for 17 years and this is the view as I step out of my front door.

We had some odd things in common. Though he was 26 years older, he went to the same university, also to study an engineering subject, and was also born in the first week of January. We both had an interest in astronomy and broadly shared political views.

Bruce put himself out for me though illnesses of mine and difficult times. He helped put together my allotment shed and other odd jobs, as well as being that useful holder of a spare key when a workman had to come round.

It sounds a cliché but he was a pillar of the community, and will be sadly missed.

It won't be the same stepping out of my front door again.

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