Amser i redeg, amser i gerdded

Amser i redeg, amser i gerdded ~ Time to run time to walk

What makes photography a strange invention is that its primary raw materials are light and time.
—John Berger

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Rhedais i 8k yn y bore a cherddais i 4k yn y prynhawn. I fi, amser yw'r gwahaniaeth fwyaf rhwng cyn wedi ymddeol ac ar ôl. Pan rydw i'n rhedeg rydw i'n cymryd fy amser ac yn dewis i redeg hirach. Pan rydw i'n mynd i'r dre, rydw i’n gallu cerdded adre yn araf trwy'r parc ac yn mwynhau'r lleoedd gwyrdd. Rydw i'n teimlo diolchgar i gael y cyfle.

Rhedais i Fferm y Fforest yn y bore. Dilynais i'r Daith Taf wrth yr afon. Roedd y tywydd cŵl a llachar. Gwnes i fwynhau'r trawsnewidiadau rhwng tref a chefn gwlad ac rydw i'n synnu pa mor hir rydw i'n gallu rhedeg a pha mor fuan rydych chi'n gallu ffeindio eich hun y tu allan i'r dre

Yn y prynhawn es i gwrdd â fy mrawd ar amser cinio ac yn mwynhau siarad â fe. Gwnes i roi anrheg pen-blwydd iddo fe - camera - rydw i'n gobeithio ei fod e'n ei hoffi. Eto roedd e'n roedd e'n bleserus i gymryd yr amser ac yn cerdded adre trwy'r parc. Eisteddais i i mewn lleoedd gwyrdd ar y trac jyst i fod rhan o'r byd naturiol ac yn teimlo'r awyrgylch.

Yn y noswaith, aethon ni allan i ddathlu Eid al-Fitr gyda chymuned Fwslimaidd. Roedd areithiau a chyfle trio bwyd Mwslim arbennig. Siaradodd Nor'dzin am bwysigrwydd agweddau rhyng-ffydd a mewn-ffydd, sut y dylen ni derbyn, gwerthfawrogi a dathlu gwahaniaethau rhwng ac o fewn crefyddau. Roedd yn ddiweddglo llawen i ddiwrnod llawen a helaeth.

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I ran 8k in the morning and walked 4k in the afternoon. For me, time is the biggest difference between before and after retirement. When I run I can take my time and choose to run longer. When I go to town I can walk home slowly through the park and enjoy the green spaces. I feel grateful to have the opportunity.

I ran to Forest Farm in the morning. I followed the Taff Trail by the river. The weather was cool and bright. I enjoyed the transitions between town and countryside and I was surprised how far I can run and how soon you can find yourself outside of the town.

In the afternoon I met my brother at lunchtime and enjoyed talking to him. I gave him a birthday present - a camera - I hope he likes it. Again it was pleasant to take the time and walk home through the park. I sat in green spaces on the track just to be part of the natural world and feel the atmosphere.

In the evening we went out to celebrate Eid al-Fitr with a Muslim community. There were speeches and a chance to try a special Muslim food. Nor'dzin spoke about the importance of inter-faith and intra-faith attitudes, how we should accept, appreciate and celebrate differences between and within religions. It was a joyful ending to a joyful and spacious day.

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