A disappointingly unchristmassy picture but a sick Christmas all the same.

I was ill in the night but still managed to get up before Phil. We headed straight to church, which was really good. We got home and got the food cooking and opened our presents... Santa left us a Santa trail of presents up the stairs. Mum um... Santa was petty noisy putting them out in the morning, dropping them all down the stairs. Subtle!
I got such amazing presents, all things I wanted but hadn't asked for. Dinner was then ready and it was so good as per usual. We discussed what it would be like if we didn't have a mother who was an amazing cook. I ate too much, but that's what Christmas is for.
We skyped some fam, played some sporcle quizzes and went for a walk in Sonning (picture) the river is insanely flooding everything. Came back, watched a film, knitted, played monops whilst eating tea (I lost) and played scrabs.

Such a good day. Such good food. Such good company.

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