
By CharlotteJ

The District Bull Show

The weather here is not nice today!  Quite a wind chill (its 14 with the wind making it 10) and high winds.  We were both awake early so we had a leisurely breakfast and then headed out to the Bull Show.  We were planning a hike but were advised against it because of the weather.  Anyway, the show was very busy.   Lots of cows, bulls and various other animals being paraded about.   The little ones, my blip, even get to show their animals and this little girl got a big round of applause from the crowd as twice her calf got away from her and refused to do the figure of 8 that each had to do.  There were tears.  But she got there in the end and a hug from her Mum seemed to do the trick.  Not sure who won but I do hope it was this little girl as she was so determined as I think my photo shows well.
We then wondered around the town but the weather just isn't good so we decided to make use of the gym, enjoyed a light lunch and are now both off to the spa for a couple of treatments.  We really struggle with 'relaxing' as we both like to be busy and getting out and seeing things / walking / hiking etc but when there are high winds it makes sightseeing / hiking / walking difficult.  Buildings of interest are closed this afternoon.  Anyway, best go get spa ready and dust off that kindle!

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