No takers

Not the best of weather today which created a change of plan. Plans to go birding was abandoned due to the horrible wet weather. So instead back home and a change of blip required. I went into town to search out a possible blip and also  Julie required her prescription  collecting from Boots as she had received a text to say it was ready.Just before going out the heavens opened up again causing the drains and gutters to struggle so I held fire for a short time till it calmed down .I took a couple of shots around town and then spotted these empty tables outside a coffee shop / cafe and thought with the right effect it might make an effective shot and also capture the damp conditions.
Back home I then went and collected Julie from her parents and then we settled down to watch some Rugby League. An evening of catch up TV for us and just a couple of beers as I am driving tomorrow lunch time over to Hull to watch Wigan play Rugby. Thankfully the weather forecast is that it should be dry tomorrow fingers crossed .

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