
Lovely day.....despite the rain. Had the little ones at soft play whilst Mt&H went shopping, which was a good workout for me dashing around the slides and wobble boards and throwing balls to Mx over and over again. He’s chatting away now with a few words interspersed but mainly nonsense. You certainly understand what he means though! Then took AR to see T&Kt and play with Heston in their beautiful garden. Time they moved to a bigger place as there’s barely an inch of spare lawn left now, it’s full of flowers and veg. Started the process of telling my news....we had chocolate cake and fizz to celebrate (and it’s the first time I’ve seen T genuinely speechless!)....then home and the same with Mt&H and then with A&N once they arrived back, very stiff, from their adventure up Snowdon. More fizz, more investigating of websites about palace protocol, and then a quiet evening at K’s after supper with A,N and O. We watched Crazy Rich Asians which was funny...and good to see Singapore again!
There’s been a constant stream of messages from people all day which has been lovely - and very surprising. How lovely

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