Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Beach fun

dogs were allowed till after 8pm, so instead we went to Portie. Feeling tired after last night so I didn’t run down but J wanted to go for a swim. It was high tide so I got Kilda swimming instead of going for a walk along the beach. She had a great time once she had remembered she could swim and go through the waves OK. Managed to get the lawn mowed as well as its going to be raining for most of the weekend. Also discovered that my iPad is getting too old as most of the app updates aren’t working now. I only really use it for reading books, turning on the Sonos and running my beer machine. I now have an expensive kindle after the recent updates. Good news someone came to buy one of our old radiators, bad news is J was in to sell it so I don’t see the money.

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