Prawf pabell

Prawf pabell ~ Tent test

The camera captures all moods and nuances; immortalizes the soft and silky continuum that is humanity. Those still life moments seem so fluid, so representative of continuity. They are a single moment captured, yet an eternity expressed.

—A.E. Samaan

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Rydyn wedi prynu dwy babell newydd, dau o'r Lotus Air Bud,
un yr un.  Gwnaethon ni chwyddo'r babell yn yr ardd,  dim ond 130 strôc gyda'r pwmp, dim ond pum munud, ac roedd y babell i fyny.  Mae'n edrych yn dda iawn ac rydyn ni'n edrych ymlaen at fyw yn yr dau ohonyn nhw mewn wythnos.

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We have bought two new tents, two of the Lotus Air Buds,
one each. We inflated the tent in the garden, only 130 strokes with the pump, just five minutes, and the tent was up. It looks really good and we look forward to living in the two of them in a week.

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