
Croissant and chat whilst K prepared for another Formula 1 watching event at her house then round to see Mt&H and the kids. Thank goodness today was much sunnier and we played in the garden for a couple of hours - unbelievable how long they like to be on the swings, but nice to have the time and patience to just stand and push them (unlike when I was a parent and far too frazzled!). Mx wanted down eventually to 'help' Mt mow the lawn...which of course meant it took twice as long!
H not feeling well unfortunately - hopefully just a tummy bug but they're awaiting fallout for Mx at least from AR's recent chicken pox and hoping they'll all be well for their trip to Spain next weekend. We left her at home to rest and headed to the pub via the nursery to buy some more plants for the garden, particularly anything that might attract ladybirds to harvest the vast numbers of greenfly on their roses. Met up with P and T&Kt and sat out in the garden. Not easy to find a pub with outdoor play area but this one had a huge garden and a few slides etc and they certainly enjoyed running around, collecting daisies and (Mx) stacking anything he could get his hands on. Particularly funny when he managed to stack the ketchup, vinegar and my glasses case into a tower,  shout 'I did it!' and then bash it down (and repeat!).
P said he feels he's slowing down a lot (not surprising at nearly 91!) and we may need to get a dog walker for a couple of days a week to give him a break but he's still happy to have Diesel's company and was swapping dog handling stories with T&Kt.
After a nice lunch and chat I set off north again...via the A1 all the way this time and there was almost no traffic so an easy drive and finished listening to 'Machines Like Me' by Ian McEwan. Enjoyed his customary style and careful details in his writing although I'm not a great robot fiction fan. Another lovely weekend

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