live and love your life

By Chocolatelover

The sky

through my window office at 16th floor.

Yayy the sky was beautiful again this evening.
And this time i had chance to photograph, but it was the best i could, i photographed it around 6.10pm, i was on the phone and talk with my co-worker then my friend who's sitting beside me, told me, "hey.. look there's a sunset out there, lovely sunset, you better watch and photograph it! ".. So yes i grabbed my little camera and photographed it as good and as much as i could.. :0))) then i edited it abit on my cs5, yes i just downloaded and installed it to my laptop, but i don't have the serial number for it, so i'm searching the serial number on google and only got few serial numbers. I hope I can find more serial number that can work ion my cs5..

Hope you guys have a wonderful day! x

seen in large

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