The landing strip!

Yes, ok, this is an emergency blip when I realised I hadn't taken any photos today! Opened the 5th (smallest) bedroom windown and took an aerial photograph of the lawn.

When we got the lawnmower I gave it a quick test just to make sure it worked before I 'did it up' for Julia.
As you can see, I created a landing strip for mini aircraft on our lawn! It was set far too low.
Thank goodness we are having a lot of rain today so the grass with quickly grow to even out the brown strip.

I couldn't see a way to alter the cutting height, I could see the holes to do it but not how to adjust it.
I then noticed that the wheels and a design on the centre piece, they are concave with a raised bit in the middle. Ah well, nothing to lose, I'll see if they will unscrew. Viola (yer actual French), that was it. Unscrew and move to the middle hole and screw back up again.

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