
By Lsquare

Delayed, But Still Worh Posting

I was all ready to press that magic button that would finalize my Sunday collage-----when life happened.  Some tree branches had tangled themselves up with the power lines during the latest wind and rain and we were without power from Sunday evening about 7:00 p.m. until 2:15 p.m. this afternoon.  So , this blip did not get posted the way I wanted it to, but I still want you to see the pictures of Julie singing "Wonderful, Merciful Savior" so beautifully that it made me cry during the rehearsal AND the performance; Dr. Hentosh , who does more on the piano with less fingers than I can with all ten of mine; our pastor, Bro. Steve, as he talks about real people encountering Jesus after His resurrection; Tom, doing a candlelit set during the contemporary worship; and the sweet picture of a young girl praying at the altar with her family and her Sunday School teacher.  I will put up a new picture for today, but only briefly as I would like to let as many people see these pictures as possible.....

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