Faithful at Fátima

Today was a national holiday, officially called the "Day of Portugal, Camões and the Portuguese Communities", not that anyone could tell me that, or what it was about... Camões was Portugal's Shakespeare, and purportedly died on this day in 1580.

Anyway, I went on a Mourão coach trip to Fátima, as did half of Portugal, I think. There were hundreds and hundreds of coaches, and thousands of Portuguese. The main sanctuary behind us holds 10,000, but there were far more than that, which is why the service was held outside. Fátima, where Mary appeared to three shepherd children around a hundred years ago, has become very important to the Portuguese national identity; many of them make the trip here every year, and some of them, several times a year.

Have to say, I was impressed with the smooth running of it all, from the parking to handing out the bread to this many people - the servers filed through the crowds in lines, under white umbrellas, so it was beautiful, shade from the sun, and easily visible. And the amplification was superb. And the reverent behaviour of almost everyone. And I didn't see one piece of litter.

Then we all filed back to where we'd parked, and all those thousands had picnics, every single group with tablecloths, bottles of excellent wine, and an abundance of home cooked food, as only the Portuguese can do it. Again, no fuss and no litter.

- at last, fulfilling my promise to buy a cotton alb (the long white garment worn under the other vestments) for the Padre, so he doesn't suffer so much in the heat
- sitting next to Fátima (!), who talked non-stop most of the eight hours on the coach, exhausting, but learnt so much about life here
- Mike finishing plastering the bathroom

And will try to catch up with you all tomorrow...

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