twinned with trumpton


An hour of admin and then out into the drizzle (OK it might have been wetter than that). I biked to Craigmillar for a couple and then wove my way back via Leith to eliminate the SE ones from the day. Soaked, I managed a change of clothes and then Johnny arrived to chum me for the remainder. Back once again to Kirkliston and the Ferry; with limited success.

But home for P7 football; fisticuffs and a sine die for the previous miscreant. Not an easy hour.

Then the news of the school appeal - not the outcome I'd hoped for but also not exactly surprising; they didn't let any of the 9 in. 

And so to Hers for fish and parsley sauce and Jersey royals and meringues (not on the same plate)

The evening was completely at odds with with soggy morning.

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