Please share my umbrella............

Not the best of days for a visit to Porthcawl, but J wanted to go to the model shot so off we went. It was so windy I had to wear my bobble hat. Hardly June weather though, is it? Not the best of weeks for a holiday in sunny Porthcawl, and the town was really quiet. I spent about an hour browsing around, and I was glad when J phoned to say  he was ready to meet me. We came straight home, and after having a coffee, I cleaned the living room. Our g/daughter is calling later to pick up her lunch box for tomorrow. She has a great choice of menus where she works in the Welsh Government, but J makes her  a lunch box once a week, with sandwiches of her choice, and I supply the dessert. She says that grampa's sandwiches are lush. 

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