2011 photo resolution

By karenanya

Thames flooding

Up early so that we'd be around for Christmas Amazon deliveries. They all arrived fairly early, much to our relief. We'd cancelled one thing late last night when it hadn't been despatched by midnight.

My mission was to dash into town and find the item in a precision maneouvre. I went by bike and had fun pedalling through really deep water along the Thames towpath. The river had risen substantially since yesterday and looked as if it was still rising. I had to battle with stroppy swans and geese who seemed to think that the underwater paths were now purely their preserve.

Missing item was located and bought within about five minutes of reaching town. I had a quick look round hoping for inspiration for a gift for husband but then decided that it was best to give up and come home.

Made mince pies in the afternoon - the first of 2012. This must be the latest that I've ever made them. Tasted good though and we enjoyed splitting up into teams to wrap the various presents that we'd managed to assemble, despite our slow start.

Looking forward to a peaceful and relaxed day tomorrow.

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