
By Houseonahill6

Outside cooking

Mike was off South and David had a meeting in Aberdeen so I had the whole house to myself.Mrs Pine Marten and the three kits were in the garden very early this morning, just a quick visit so no photos but nice to see them looking well :)
I printed off most of the recipes , which took a while making sure everything was spelt correctly and that it was laid out ok , looking good so far :)
Then we were off to one of the parents houses.They live on a small holding near Eathie with Great views over the Firth.
The Dad had told us that he would like to do some outside cooking with the girls, he’s a chef and owns a cafe in Inverness , which would go towards one of their badges.We thought it was best to wait till the warmer weather, haha, it was warmer in February. It did stay dry until 15 minutes before the end so we managed to make coleslaw, Pizza, strawberry tarts, Eton Mess and fruit and marshmallow kebabs drizzled in chocolate ,yum, yum. A fantastic evening and I do not think the girls will be needing any tea ;)
We also met Basil the Goat and Susan the Pig as well as one of the cats, a few more pigs and sheep in the distance.

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