A New Day

By ANewDay

Any Ideas?

Spotted this "installation"in Perth today and could not work out what it was meant to be.  A Unicorn, I think and a "witch" covered with snakes who waved a wand at me when I put a coin in the box after taking this photo:-)  Funny way to earn a living!

I took the bus in to Perth to meet up with friend L at the Library for coffee and a good chat.  Lovely to see her looking fairly well while in the middle of her chemo treatment.  A short stroll round town and then it was lunch at The Manna House (blipped a couple of weeks ago), before the return on the bus.  

The bus journey is always fascinating because of the people you see.  Today it was a young girl with an enormous cream coloured German Shepherd dog which just wanted to go to sleep sprawled out on the floor, which meant everyone had to step over it with great care.  Nobody complained!  There was also the young mum with the screaming tiny baby who would not be comforted until she decided to breast feed him.  Then blissful silence!  Almost reluctant to get off the bus as it was all so interesting:-)

Rain stayed away for most of the day though it looks like it might come down again any minute.  Hope it is dry and sunny for your weekend:-)

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