Philosophy Friday

Master of the Mindful Moment
It takes a lot of human understanding to realise the truth that the way of losing our inner turmoil is to connect to the world as it is right at this moment, to be so in that moment that now becomes everything. Regret rises from the past and worry only worries a possible tomorrow, but now, now simply is. If we can pause, become truly connected to now then inner calm can be obtained, worry and regret lost - even if only for a while.

Dogs don't worry, they know not what regret might be.

Dogs live so utterly in the now that joy and happiness can be found in any and every moment. Dogs don’t think about what might happen tomorrow, what they should have said yesterday, or what to change in their relationships. Dogs are happy being themselves, fully living in the now, living every moment fully.

We can learn a lot from our four legged friends.

ps - answers added to yesterday

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