Flower Friday : : Asian Lily

The problem with ordering plants from a catalog is that sometimes something surprising arrives. OilMan thought he was ordering day lilies, rather unassuming little yellow flowered plants, but what he got were these beauties. They're a bit out of scale in the spot where he planted them when he thought they were day lilies,  but suddenly they shot up and produced these spectacular blooms.They seem to be holding up well considering the withering heat earlier this week. I wish I could say the same for the roses....

Considering the fact that it was replaced only a year or two ago, and considering the fact that we don't really use it very much, our air conditioning isn't working when the temperatures really warrant using it. Luckily for us it has cooled off since they can't come to fix it until next week. Poor Donna suffered through the heat wave without it and poor Ozzie needs it more than we do since he is blessed cursed with the most astonishing amount of hair. I gave him a bath this afternoon. It took ten minutes for the bath and two hours to mop up all the hair. 

Peter is home from school for the summer and he and Dana are coming for dinner. Will and Jim are going to round three of the US Open at Pebble Beach tomorrow. I'm not sure what the logistics other than lots of trips up and down the coast of California as Will is taking his last final today and will be on his way home for a summer internship in San Francisco. It will be interesting to see if Will still thinks he’d just as soon watch the Open on television once he actually experiences it. Secretly, i think he aspires to play in it....

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