Last invigilating session. I had a different pupil this time for Physics....couldn’t have helped her if I was allowed!!! It looked like gibberish!!!! Can’t believe I did maths with mechanics for A level!!
I walked the 3 miles back; meeting The Rev and Daisy for a coffee and cake.
Then we went for our late anniversary treat to see Rocketman at the Everyman cinema. Loved the film...quite moving and a great insight to his life. We enjoyed the food too!
We were chilling out this evening just getting a bit of supper when I got a text from a friend...Are you on your way?...bad words uttered....we had forgotten a dinner date (we’d remembered it earlier...crazy panic in the car and on our way in 5 mins. Only 50 mins late!!! It was a very enjoyable evening with the Ascots and Guilaniiis....delicious food, flowing wine and lots and lots of laughs.

Music has healing power. It has the ability to take people out of themselves for a few hours.
Elton John

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