Nellie Travels

By Padstowbabe

"Sair feet"!

This is the statue at the end of the West Highland Way called "sair (sore) feet"!

I took JD into Fort William for a wee bit of merrymaking and catch up with his friends from home. I stopped in the high street to take a picture of the Christmas lights....such as they are....but couldn't resist taking a picture of this chap.

In all weathers he sits nursing his "sair feet" and waiting for walkers to visit with him for a wee while. Most times when I pass him he is surrounded by people posing in the same way and having their pictures taken....but not at this time of night. Tonight he was alone and surrounded by little lights....a bit different from when I last blipped him with C and JD. This time he looked like he was enjoying the peace!!

Tonight he made me smile!

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