The Lozarithm Lens

By Lozarithm

Calne (Saturday 15th June 2019)

As I was wandering back from town through the Town Gardens I noticed lots of bees pollinating the crane's-bills. As bees on flowers are a popular subject for blippers I thought I would try for a nice macro of one. After several minutes failing miserably I had a new found admiration for those same blippers. Of course I was hampered by having an entirely inappropriate camera for the task, and a lack of patience for the bees whose time on each flower was slightly less than the focusing time needed. Also the low light levels didn't help with image clarity on the micro four-thirds sensor. Anyway, my favourite image of the bunch shows the geraniums nicely but is absent of bee.

15.6.2019 (1840 hr)

Blip #2955 (#2705 + 250 archived blips taken 27.8.1960-18.3.2010)
Consecutive Blip #026
Blips/Extras In 2019 #132/265 + #052/100 Extras
Day #3369 (761 gaps from 26.3.2010)
LOTD #2099 (#1940 + 159 in archived blips)

Calne series
Flora series
Gardens series

Taken with Panasonic/Leica DMC-LX100 M4/3 compact

Lozarhythm Of The Day:
Kate Bush - Cloudbusting (The Organon Remix) (1985)
This seemed appropriate after the apocalyptic levels of rain this week, plus this afternoon I played The Other Sides disc of 12" Mixes with it on.

One year ago:
Before... (Driveway Dock)

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