S is for sunday

S is for Sunday. This Sunday is father's day. I am a dad and a papa. I lost my dad in 2005 and still miss him. That's him in the pic in 1952 on his wedding day.
I am so happy that we had a great relationship and that when he died we were at peace with each other. A blessing. So take time to tell those close to you that you love them. Today.
Here's a poem to help you reflect.
What Is A Dad?

A dad is someone who
wants to catch you before you fall
but instead picks you up,
brushes you off,
and lets you try again.

A dad is someone who
wants to keep you from making mistakes
but instead lets you find your own way,
even though his heart breaks in silence
when you get hurt.

A dad is someone who
holds you when you cry,
scolds you when you break the rules,
shines with pride when you succeed,
and has faith in you even when you fail

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