Half a step at a time

By dorkytrish

Another beach of a day

The forecast last night was 30+ degrees, so decided to go to Bondi today. Weather started beautifully and we were off at 11 so there should still be parking spaces.

I love the diversity of Bondi, so many people local and abroad that visit the beach. Water was amazing, even though the sands were crowded with people it was still amazing to lay under the sun listening to some tunes.

Then the wind started to pick up, a whole day that supposed to be dedicated to my fav place ended up being just short of 3 hours. Oh well, tomorrow I'm off to Dolls Point with some of the girls from work. Gotta enjoy the only time off I have for the year.

You can't really see if from this picture but a guy on the right have this massive tattoo of like some sort of devil and covered his whole back, it was a nice piece. I should have asked what it meant, I like interesting tats like that. But then again I didn't want to come off as a weirdo! Haha


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