
By Paladian

What a difference .....

.... a day makes! Yesterday, all a bit flat, but thanks so much for the comments, views, hearts and stars for my humble little agapanthus (to all gardeners in the UK, they grow like weeds here, sorry). It shot into the first spotlight page, which was a bit unexpected.

Now, today, a different mindset altogether. The weather is just lovely, not hot just really pleasant, not like in Perth, which has temps in the 40's (degrees C) day after day. Here it's the mid 20's, a light breeze blowing, and clear blue skies. it will get hotter next week, but for now it's perfect.

So - here we have a hoverfly of sorts. I can't ID it (again), but it is so pretty - it has silver and gold bands alternating with black, and large lustrous wings of great beauty. Its body is quite furry, so it's not one of your common or garden hovers. By definition they are all bee or wasp mimicking, but some hovers do it better than others, and this is one of the nicest I have ever seen.

If you look carefully you'll see the little antenna in the middle of his head which looks just like a short wave radio antenna.

All the action is on the seaside daisy bush at the moment, it must have plenty of pollen, but luckily the feral honey bees haven't really discovered it yet.

A larger antenna.

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