Supper on the Table

Someone's going to be upset! The meal that came in tonight for the two peregrine chicks was ringed. A fairly hefty large white feathered bird with pink/red feet - a blue ring on right leg and green on the left. They are without doubt spectacular efficient killers.

The two behaved beautifully at the supper table sharing, though there is only one now of the three chicks that isn't leaving the vicinity of the nest site. Great to see them being well fed and very healthy and as a species it's remarkable that they have made such a come back after being down to only 68 breeding pairs in the 1960's. 

Numbers were shot during the Second World War as they thought they were a threat to carrier pigeons, used when radio silence was imposed on submarine-spotting planes. Worse still they died due to poison or made infertile by pesticides sprayed on crops and eaten by their prey.

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