Log Freuchie

By Freuchie

Where's the popcorn?

I'm not a great one for going to the pictures. The last time I went to the cinema was in March, the day after I'd been in hospital for key-hole surgery, and I struggled to keep my eyes open through most of the film. (I blame the after-effect of the anaesthetic.)

P is a member of BAFTA and as such is sent a copy of every film that has been released this year, so that she can vote in all the different categories. Dvds have been arriving in droves - well, 2 or 3 per day - and because she is away on a job she has told me to open them and watch whatever I fancy.

I hasten to add that there is strict security regarding the delivery of these films in case they get into the wrong hands and pirate copies are made, especially before the film has been released, so I value P's trust.

There is a pile of about 50 dvds here, all still with their security seal intact, because I haven't watched any of them - yet - but these are some of the ones that I've heard of. The only one out of this lot that appeals to me is 'Les Miserables' - love the music! - though I may also have a peek at 'Skyfall', since everybody raved about it.

Form an orderly queue out there, please!

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