The Bogside

We finished our Tour of Donegal and cycled into Derry for the night. The next day we went on a fascinating tour of the Bogside Murals, led by a community activist, from the  Museum of Free Derry which opened in 2007 to tell the story of what happened in the city between 1968 and 1972.

The image shows the now famous "You are Entering Free Derry" mural, which also serves as a wall for temporary murals. In the background can be seen a mural depicting Bernadette Devlin who was at the head of the Civil Rights March on that fateful day in 1972. I remember hearing her speak later that year in London.

The visit was a very moving experience- to be standing in the streets and courtyards where 17 unarmed civilians, half yet to reach the age of 20, had been shot dead by the British Army on what came to be known as "Bloody Sunday". And to hear of the unprecedented use of tanks, CS gas, rubber bullets and live bullets on the streets of the UK.

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