River of Flowers

By doffy

Wednesday: A Favourite Tree

Warm start to the day 16°C no wind and quite a lot of blue sky!
Nice phone chat with my daughter who was on her bus journey to work - fingers crossed for tomorrow ...
Haircut appointment with my good friend Merville. Parked the car at Lidl and walked there. Always lovely to catch up with his news.
Called in our local library to get a new card so that I can use their online free magazine and ebook service. More about this when I’ve set it up...
Driving home I couldn’t stop gasping at the beautiful hedgerows with ox-eye daisies, cow parsley and elderflower, must take a photo next time ...
Grocery shopping at Lidl and Asda, temperature now up to 20°C so home for lunch in the garden.
MrD has bought me a new pair of secateurs, they arrived today ...
Had a short walk down our lane to Blip the tree in our friend’s farm.
We had a nasty surprise late afternoon when we discovered our drains were blocked, ended up calling out a contractor who soon sorted out the problem ...
Goodnight all x

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