See it, snap it

By girlywhirly

Oh no, she's taking my picture..

Cookie dislikes having her picture taken. Sometimes I resort to switching my phone to silent, but being a clever kitty, she's gotten wise to that too.

What she loves is her special kitty laser pointer, which provides endless amusement (and some much needed exercise). As soon as she sees it in your hand she waits, staring at the floor and ready to pounce. If she wasn't so camera shy, I would try capturing some video footage, it's certainly funny to watch.

She's also a big fan of hiding under the duvet, and after looking online at various cat 'cosies' and other tunnel-like hideaways, today I fashioned a tent-like cosy from an Ikea blanket and one of those radiator airer things you normally put wet socks on. She purred like a mad thing and settled down for a snooze. Don't think there will be any photo opportunities while she's in it though...

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