
We had a different day today where The Boss went looking for different thingies to photograph. He used to go looking for different thingies  to shoot but has decided after attending a really quirky book release about cartoons in newspapers called “Bishops, Boozers, Brethren and Burkas”  that we would take a non violent approach and make photographs without shooting anything,
It was a fun presentation but the best part was when a bloke noticed ME on his pak and after explanations galore we found that he and the lovely lady next to him enjoyed a cross street relationship. He mowed her lawns and she vacuumed his floors. AND they went to book releases together too.
I think The Boss was dying to pursue further details but I snorted at him and he didn’t.....Did you kno I can snort? It’s a very special frequency that only he can hear...  It’s a nasal thing NOT the other...OK?
The extra today was another bit of “Different” on the way up Mt Vic in the morning.

The book was from a bloke called Mike Grimshaw and he had some very good things to say about Democracy and Editorial cartoons.

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