Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

Statler & Waldorf

Earlier this week I heard Nigel Farage described as a consummate heckler, but not a politician; He can criticise and poke fun at others, he can say “I wouldn't do it like that” but he is wholly incapable of devising policies of his own.

Meanwhile, in the recent UK European elections, the party in majority haemorrhaged an alarming number of votes to that same muppet. Their reaction seems to be to elect as their new leader an equivalent abusive heckler to win votes back from milk-shake man. Which suggests that their main priority is to retain power, not to do the best thing for the country they serve.

Compare with this, from Yanis Varoufakis;
Monday 26th January 2015, just after Alexis Tsipras has been sworn in as Greece's new Prime Minister. Tsipras has arrived at his new office and Varoufakis has arrived shortly after. They laugh together about a hideous painting of the Greek National Flag above the Prime Minister's desk.
'When our eyes met again, Alexis had acquired a serious look, which he followed with serious words: “Listen! Don't get comfortable in here. Don't learn to love the trappings of office. These offices, these chairs, are not for us. Our place is out there, on the streets, in the squares, with the people. We got in to get a job done on their behalf. Never forget that this is why we are here. For no other reason. And be ready. If the bastards find a way to stop us from delivering what we promised, you and I must be ready to hand back the keys and get out on the streets again, to plan the next demonstration.” ©Varoufakis

I was PROUD to be a taxpayer in Greece. I was PROUD of our little David going up against the Goliath that is the Troika. I feel no such loyalty to this ship of fools.

Extra ©Jim Henson

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