A mammouth task!

Friday 21st June 2019

Another very full day off of non stop spring cleaning. Bedroom 3, photo studio (bedroom 4) and garage all tamed. 

As part of the process I have tackled my old photography magazines. I had two large piles of them, kept because of their interesting articles but they were taking up too much room. Last week I went through them all, extracted the articles I wanted and filled the recycle bag with the rest. I managed to cut two piles down to a third of a lever arch file. In tackling the photo studio today I discovered two more boxes of them so I dealt with them this morning. Then this afternoon I found two more boxes! I knew I had boxed them up when I moved. I was amazed when I opened them to find that those boxes have been through TWO house moves and obviously remained unopened through the last. I've been going through magazines as far back as 2004! Oops! I have reduced the pile to one and a half lever arch files of helpful hits and techniques. 

So today I have:-

Completed sorting, tidying and cleaning two bedrooms (both of which had been storage places)
Dealt with four boxes of magazines.
Sorted and tidied the garage.
Visited the tip - very satisfying!
Done the washing and ironing.
Done the food shopping. 
Posted my first ever item for sale on eBay.
Progressed with catching up on blip.

It is so good to have some energy back. A very satisfying day but I now ache all over!  

It has been a gloriously sunny day and I could have taken a nice picture but this one sums up the day perfectly. 

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