Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Life is a bowl of cherries

Not, in this case, a minestrone!

These came from Lidl today and are absolutely delicious.
I had a quiet moring today, getting the spare room ready for a guest, after lunch round to the Rectory to pick up the keys, as from today our charge is officially vacant and we are advertising for a new Rector online and in the Church Times. I do hope we find the right person soon although their expected start date of everything goes to plan, is not until December.
Up to the station next to meet one of the clergy from our forthcoming Cursillo weekend. We have our first team meeting tomorrow. I was very gratified that just over a week ago I put out a request for team members and as of two days ago we have more than enough applications.
A quiet evening in tonight and a late (for me) night trip out to pick up A.
Steps today, 12566, on target.

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