Lucky find

Found a Four Leaved Pink Sorrel in flower between the wild strawberries and the Lady's Mantle, in Dutch these are called Lucky Clover (though they're a lot bigger than the usual lucky four leaved clover).

This weekend we're following the heroic swimming marathon by Maarten van der Weijden, a former Olympic swimmer who after having survived leukaemia has dedicated his life to gather funds for cancer research and supporting people with cancer. He's been swimming with the absolute minimum of breaks since Friday afternoon, following the  200 km route of the famous 11 cities speedskating circuit in Friesland. He is well over half of it, just imagine swimming for days on end ! See more here (only in Dutch unfortunately):
Here's hoping he will be able to succeed with this amazing marathon swim, he's due to finish tomorrow in the early evening.

Thanks so much for all your creative Abstract Thursday entries, many of them 'patterned' ! This coming Thursday the optional theme is 'waves' and the tag will be AT209.

Here's the list of last week's specials , a representation of patterns from the very 'natural' to the extra faffed :-) :

Thanks again , also for your kind comments and stars for yesterday's buddleia close-up

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