The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Sometimes It’s Hard To Be A Woman

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Bella is in season and can’t go to doggy day care so she joined us for the day. The Browns thought she was going in season a few weeks ago as there was a lot of interest in her doggy downstairs from other dogs, but it turned out that she just had very smelly anal glands*!

Normally, Bella pesters Murphy constantly but after they had been on a long walk, she just lay in the garden quietly chewing a toy. Murphy wanted to play and started pawing her and nibbling her ear. She got up (with the toy duck), walked 2 metres and lay down with a big doggy sigh, staring at Murphy with a look that clearly said ‘Stop being a d1ck. I’M ON MY F’IN PERIOD.’

Some problems transcend species!


*I have encountered a few humans with this issue!

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