The beach huts!!!

The individual pictures have featured before on Blip, but they are now together on the wall. More about them later.

A morning of doing things but not seeing much in the way of results. B had taken R’s car into Lincoln for a safety check. 3hrs later he returned with the outcome. Two new tyres and front brakes are needed, but to be arranged as they don’t have the items available.

I ended up in the garden this afternoon, at least you see some results from your efforts. Yesterday’s lavender potted up, recently purchased primula plant divided. If I don’t kill them off I will have 8 new ones.

On to my picture, collected from the framer yesterday. I am disappointed with the results as this is not what my instructions said :0(

He explained that it was difficult. If he had rung me to say, we could have had plan B. I have accepted it and paid, so will be philosophical about it and have selective vision about the way it is mounted.

I’m working with view that my many embroidery pictures that have been on the walls for 10 -45 years, are as I want them and given great pleasure. This one will have a limited lifetime in this house, as when I’m gone all my ‘stuff’ will go to a charity shop or local auction.

Having said that if it really annoys me I will take it somewhere else and get them to do it as I want it.

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