Circus Girl

By CirqueNoir


Jordan Station, Ontario

Winter walk on the beach and revisited the abandoned and decaying old boat.

My nieces, Sophia and Isabella, and my nephew Michael are leaving Canada to go back to Columbus Ohio on Saturday. One thing they wanted to do was to go see the boat. They saw some of my pictures that I posted and wanted to go and take some pictures with their new IPod touches I gave them for Christmas. We hiked (okay some people slid down) a really steep hill and well it was worth it. Oh yeah did I tell you that it was cold, snowy, and slippery. We walked along the beach until we hit the Marina. Then we had to walk up the snowy, and slippery hill to get back to my car. There was lots of snow and sand to deal with on the beach, but it is all worth it just to listen to the water rush.

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