
Our favourite cafe in the Lakes is Chester’s, but sadly it is several other people’s too and it is very difficult to park there. So having had a few failed attempts during the week we got there as it opened and had a very delicious breakfast.

As Reggie hurt one of his pads out walking earlier in the week we have had to limit our heavy duty walks so we were running out of easy/gentle on the feet type walks but Mr H suggested a cruise up the lake. I wonder if he had preplanned it but just didn’t want me to have time to disagree!

We did the full tour of the lake, and stopped off at Brantwood, John Ruskin’s house for a very good coffee on the terrace, where this photo is taken, before getting the next boat back. We then discovered with the same ticket price we could do the shorter tour of the lake too so we took that option and spent another 45 minutes cruising the lake.

Reggie made lots of friends and I think was delighted to give his paw a rest. Sadly it meant that we had to drive into Coniston for a drink after tea, rather than walk, and I was rather sad I’d volunteered to drive as we met lots of interesting people and ended up being out till closing time rather than a couple of drinks! There is a limit as to how much soda water I can enjoy in an evening!

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