Consider the Lilies

By skambalu

Geffrye Museum Christmas tree

We visited the Geffrye Museum of the Home, the first time I've been there. Lots of different parlours, drawing rooms and living rooms through the ages - I'd recommend it. There was a tree at the bottom of the gallery which had lots of wishes for Christmas and New Year.

We had a delicious Vietnamese meal afterwards, which I recommend if you go to visit the museum - there are quite a number of Vietnamese restaurants in that part of London.

By the way, although I've missed out a few days here and there (especially in the past three or four months), it's now the second anniversary of when I began blipping! Nice to have kept it going all this time. I've kept it mostly as a visual memory of my years, and interestingly I started keeping a diary again on 1 January 2011 which I've kept going over that time too. They have been quite momentous years, as I changed career during that time, leaving teaching to begin working for CAFOD (the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development), in the Education section.

I think when I look over my photos, one thing I notice is that I've spent a lot of time on the tube! But I've also travelled a bit during that time, particularly spending last Christmas in Istanbul and visiting our partners in Bolivia and Peru during the summer, so touching Asia and Latin America for the first time. I would have never imagined visiting those places while I was teaching.

My one disappointment has been that I don't think I've really used Blipfoto the way I had hoped, to improve my photography or to showcase my best photos. In fact, I have blipped photos of the dark before, just so that I had something to show for the day, and many have been blurry photos of newspaper articles or the changing points at Queen Park, when I've realised a day or two (or many more!) later that I've only taken one photo that day, so it would have to do. I haven't necessarily put in any/more thought into my photos. So they've not perhaps been the prettiest or most interesting photos to look at! Many have been taken on my Blackberry, which I have to say doesn't always take the best photos. But then again, you can't blame your tools!

Anyway, as I enter my third year of blipping, I hope that I will be able to continue taking photos every day that represents in some way what I do each day, as a memory of the year, and I hope that I might take better photos too!

Here's to 2013...

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