Museum Of Emotion

Today visited in our old town, where is built an exhibition called Tunnemuseo (Museum Of Emotion). It's only topic is to present history of former mental hospital locating in Rauha and next of Lake Saimaa. Currently that large hospital area and some of old buildings have got new life by international hotel business run by Holiday Club Resorts. Very nice place to stay and enjoy freetime if considering to visit in Finland.

What comes to exhibition I must say that I hardly ever get emotional in exhibition, but this time I did. Exhibtion was cleverly built of many memories and stories by former hospital employees and their childrens, patients written stories, paintings, photos, cinefilms, spoken stories and interviews on headphones, original objects and furnitures from hospital. Even I don't have any personal history to that place than I have lived there couople of years ten years back. Life in hospital during decades came to reality and under skin via all those elements. Very well built exhibition by three ladies.

Part of exhibition is available in the project's website Site in only in Finnish, but there are lot's of photos and videos from the past and also new captures of the area or empty hospital premises.

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