Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky


There are some that complain that the churchyard is not tidy and would like it mown and manicured.  I like it the way it is with areas left to go wild over the summer.  It encouraged the wildflowers and insects.
In the morning I was called out to visit an elderly customer who had returned his clock three times after repair each time claiming the clock would not work.  Instead of complaining, he just described himself as "your worst customer." I was almost sure that I knew what the problem was and this was confirmed when I made the 30 mile round trip to see him.  Sure enough, he thought he had wound the clock up but in fact it was run down. He has simply lost strength in his wrist following an illness.  He is such a kind and gentle man that I was just pleased that I could resolve the problem and spend half an hour with him putting the world to rights.

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