Framing the Fort

By TheHairyCoo

By any other name?

Still playing with the Macro lens. This is a (pink) rose, shot under Sama's* "sun lamp" by Hipstamatic (Melodie lens, BlacKeys Supergrain film) and then post-processed a little in Photoshop Express (5 minutes worth of playing with exposure, contrast & the like) before uploading using the "True Blue" filter. I hadn't planned to use the filter, but it just looked too good not to.

Had a kind of "Bokeh" shot of the tree lights which I considered, but plumped for this one in the end. In the West of Scotland, to "Boke" is to retch, so "Bokeh" sounds too much like nausea. And I wouldn't have been able to resist the urge to title the image "The Hokey Bokeh" or some such; no way could I make such bad puns on consecutive Blips!

Back to work on Monday...yeuch. Although this time next year I'll have completed my registrar training & will be on my way to my 1st consultant post...a thought which is both heartening & terrifying. Ah, well, no point in gathering moss ;-)

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and, if you're affected by the storms, stay safe. Actually, just stay safe whatever befalls you. It's probably for the best...

*Osama bin Kitten's usual diminutive, sometimes shortened still further to "Sam"

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