Look Who Came to Call!

I've spent the entire day outside, wonderful.  I've washed the front door; removed the nettles from the verge to save my legs when getting out of the car; cleared the high wall of foliage and swept out the side of the house; mowed the grass; watered the pots and prepared a shepherd's pie for dinner.  It was Hobbler run night and very warm for running, but good to get out and catch up with folks.

Back home and we had wonderful, surprise visitors all the way from Singapore, Elia and her mum and dad Cary and Yu Yen.  Cary was at school with our Jen and we stayed with him and Yu Yen when we were returning from our big adventure in New Zealand in 2016.  They are over on a home visit.  Elia is a bundle of energy and fun, such a happy baby and extremely bright.  Very lovely to see them with Nanna Janine.

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