Tirrick on da Rail

A breezy day, but calmer tonight.  A lovely sunny and warm morning, but clouded over in the afternoon.  

Back to work today, a d been working in the museum.  A fairly quiet day, as it was so fine.  There's herring gull chicks on the pier, and mother has been diving on unsuspecting tourists.  I had to make up beware signs.  Niece Elise came by, and came over for tea.  We've been down to Laura's to plant some flowers in her garden.  Mam also popped by for a cuppa.

Not sure why I didn't snap a photo of the baby chicks on the pier, they are super cute, although some see them as a pest.  I do love seeing the tirricks, a true sign of summer.  They have had a bad few breeding seasons, but fingers crossed they come at again.  This was was having a break from fishing, and a rest on the rail.  Taken at Hay's Dock, Lerwick.  

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