Waves of Lavender

Our bubbler fountain has ripples
The creek across the street has rivulets
The fountain by the front steps has a miniature waterfall
But none of these really qualify as waves in my mind.

There are ocean waves, both longitudinal and transverse, which are wonderful to photograph, but I didn't have time to 
drive to the ocean today

Ozzie has waves in his coat, but most of them have fallen out at this time of year

There are:
Sound waves
Electromagnetic waves
Light waves
radio waves
All difficult to photograph
In fact, technically speaking, it isn't possible to photograph a wave, only the results of energy traveling,  via  disturbances of a medium, without the medium actually traveling
This gets pretty technical pretty fast

Perhaps the medium through which the waves are traveling might be able to be photographed such as:
Amber waves of grain
Or a nearby winery with beautiful waves of blooming lavender,
So that is my abstract Thursday entry.

A flag waves, a person waves, I can't stop thinking about waves

Here is a little musical accompaniment to my abstract musings about waves....

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